The Durga Puja ( दुर्गापूजा )

( Hints for The Durga Puja : a Hindu goddess, a Hindu festival, the image of Durga, stories about her, becoming popular, the image immersed. )
The Durga Puja ( दुर्गापूजा )
The Durga Puja ( दुर्गापूजा )
Durga is a goddess ( देवी ). Every Hindu worships ( पूजा करना ) her. People say she is very powerful. There are many stories about her. She killed the rakshasas. Durga Puja is an important Hindu festival ( त्योहार ). People get the image ( मूर्ति ) of Durga. Durga has eight hands, two feet and one head. During Durga Puja, pandits and other devotees ( भक्तगण ) are busy worshipping her. Now Durga Puja has become very popular. Her image is put up at many places. After ten days, the image is immersed ( विसर्जित किया जाना ).
The Durga Puja
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