The Value of Reading a Newspaper ( अखबार पढ़ने की उपयोगिता )

( Hints for The Value of Reading a Newspaper : information and entertainment, news, sports news, publicity and advertisements, social, scientific and other developments, improves our language. )
The Value of Reading a Newspaper ( अखबार पढ़ने की उपयोगिता )
The Value of Reading a Newspaper ( अखबार पढ़ने की उपयोगिता )
It is important that we read newspapers. A newspaper is a source of both information and entertainment ( मनोरंजन ). Today the world has become small and anything happening anywhere in the world affect us. A newspaper gives us the news of the whole world. Every kind of reader gets some material for himself in the newspaper. There is sports news for the lovers of games and sports. There are columns ( स्तंभ ) for publicity and advertisements. We come to know about social, political, scientific and other developments ( विकास ). Besides, the reading of a newspaper improves our language. Such is the value of reading a newspaper.
The Value of Reading a Newspaper
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