The Advantages of Living in Town ( शहर में रहने के लाभ)

( Hints for The Advantages of Living in Town : people well-off, electricity and tap water, good schools and colleges, clubs and cinema-halls, good doctors and hospitals. )
The Advantages of Living in Town ( शहर में रहने के लाभ)
The Advantages of Living in Town ( शहर में रहने के लाभ)
People in town are generally well-off ( धनी ). They get electricity and tap water. They generally have pucca houses to live in. For education of children, they have good schools and colleges. For entertainment, they have clubs and cinema-halls. There are good doctors and hospitals for medical treatment. There are rickshaws, auto-rickshaws, cars and buses in town. Going from one place to another is no problem. Day-to-day requirements ( आवश्यकताएँ ) are readily available ( सुलभ ). Roads in town are generally in good condition. Though life is busy, the living in town is comfortable. These are some of the advantages of living in town.
The Advantages of Living in Town
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