Your School Gardener ( तुम्हारे विद्यालय का माली )

( Hints for Your School Gardener : knowledge about gardening, about soils, seasons of the year, signs of the weather, patience and foresight, hard-working. )
Essay on Your School Gardener ( तुम्हारे विद्यालय का माली )
Essay on Your School Gardener ( तुम्हारे विद्यालय का माली )
Gopal is my school gardener. He has a lot of knowledge about gardening. He knows plants and he also knows how they grow and what they are good for. He knows a lot about soils ( मिट्टी ) and he knows how to mix them to suit different plants. He has a good knowledge of the seasons of the year-when to sow ( रोपना ) and when the flowers will come out. He knows the signs of the weather ( मौसम ) when it is going to be dry or rainy, hot or cold. Like a good gardener, Gopal has patience ( धैर्य ) and foresight ( दूरदर्शिता ). He is hard-working and regular in his work. He is able to look ahead and plan for the changing seasons.
Your School Gardener

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