The Radio ( रेडियो )

( Hints for The Radio : radio, a useful thing, invented by Marconi, different sizes, for news, for talks, for songs and music, for running Commentaries on games. )
Essay on The Radio ( रेडियो )
Essay on The Radio ( रेडियो )
A radio is a useful thing. It was invented ( आविष्कार किया जाना ) by Marconi. We can get radios of different sizes and prices ( मूल्य ). Some radios are electric sets and some are battery sets. Some are big and some are small. A radio gives us the news of the world. A radio is a very good teacher. We hear useful talks on it. It is a medium ( माध्यम ) of education ( शिक्षा ). It adds ( जोड़ना , बढ़ाना ) to our knowledge ( ज्ञान ). A radio is a source ( साधन ) of pleasure ( आनंद ). We can hear sweet songs on it. These days we hear running commentaries of cricket, hockey and football, too. So, a radio is very important for us.
The Radio ( रेडियो )
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