The Street Hawkers ( फेरीवाला )

( Hints for The Street Hawkers : life difficult, sell chat, some sell newspapers, some sell vegetables, poor life, clever too, work all day, different methods to attract customers. )
Essay on The Street Hawkers ( फेरीवाला )
Essay on The Street Hawkers ( फेरीवाला )
The life of street hawkers is difficult. We see them everyday. Some sell chat, some ice-cream and someone something else. The chat hawkers are very popular. Ladies and children are fond of chat. There are hawkers who sell newspapers. We buy newspapers for news. There are hawkers who sell vegetables. They carry baskets full of vegetables from door to door. Hawkers are generally poor, But they are very clever. They ask for higher price and the buyers ( खरीददार ) bargain ( सौदा करना ) with them. They have to work for the most part of the day. Only then do they earn their bread. They use different methods to attract their buyers. The street hawkers are useful men.
The Street Hawkers
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