Health Is Wealth ( स्वास्थ्य ही धन है )

( Hints for Health Is Wealth : its meaning, how to keep good health, good food, fresh air, exercise, enough sleep, early rising, no bad habits. )
Health Is Wealth ( स्वास्थ्य ही धन है )
Health Is Wealth ( स्वास्थ्य ही धन है )
Health is Wealth. It is one of God's best gifts to us. If we are careless about it, it is lost soon. Bad habits spoil ( बरबाद करना ) our health. So, we must try to keep good health. For that, we must eat good food. We must eat enough but not too much. Fresh air also very necessary for good health. At the same time, we must take exercise. We must sleep well at night. We should get up early, too. We must work hard And we should not form bad habits. So,  we can keep fit. In fact, health is better than wealth.
Health Is Wealth
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