Our Country : India ( हमारा देश : भारत )

( Hints for Our Country India : its name, capital, neighbours, agriculture, industries, population, rivers, mountains, cities, Taj Mahal, Red Fort. )
Our Country : India ( हमारा देश : भारत )
Our Country : India ( हमारा देश : भारत )
We live in India. India is our country. It is a big country. New Delhi is the capital of India. China, Nepal, Bangla Desh and Pakistan are our neighbours. It is mainly an agricultural ( कृषिप्रधान ) country. But it is making progress in industries and science too. There are twenty-nine states in India. It has several rivers and mountains. About 125 crore people live here. Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras and Bangalore are its big cities. People from abroad ( विदेश ) come here to see the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort. The Indians love peace. It is a land of Buddha and Gandhi. We all love our country very much.
Our Country : India
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