The Advantages of TV ( टी० बी० के लाभ )

( Hints for The Advantages of TV : wonder of science, see the speaker,  recreation and propaganda, publicity, removes social evil, educational value. )
The Advantages of TV ( टी० बी० के लाभ )
The Advantages of TV ( टी० बी० के लाभ )
TV or Television is one of the latest wonders ( चमत्कार ) of science. On the radio we can only hear the voice. But on television we can also see the face of the speaker. Today television has become one of the popular means of recreation ( मनोरंजन ) and propaganda. It is also a medium for education. It can be used as a means for publicity. TV can also be used to remove various social evils ( बुराई ). Now we find TV sets in schools. They help the students learn things in a better way. So, the educational value of television is very great. These are some of the advantages of television.
The Advantages of TV
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