The Season You Like Most ( मेरी सबसे प्रिय ऋतु )
Or, The Beauty of Spring ( वसंत का सौंदर्य )

( Hints: Spring the best season, neither too hot nor too cold, morning, sky bright, birds singing, noon and evening pleasant, farmers busy, we all happy, lovely flowers, pleasant atmosphere, many poets about the beauty of spring. )
Essay on The Beauty of Spring ( वसंत का सौंदर्य )
Essay on The Beauty of Spring ( वसंत का सौंदर्य )
The spring season is the best of all seasons in India. Spring is neither top hot nor too cold. The sky looks bright and blue . Birds are singing. The morning is pleasant, the noon is refreshing and the evening is charming and delightful. Everybody looks happy. Farmers are busy harvesting ( फसल काटना ) their crops. They are in a happy mood. When we look around, our heart is filled with joy. The lovely flowers in the garden and the cool air create a pleasant atmosphere. Many poets have written poems about the beauty of spring. I like this season most.

The Season You Like Most ( मेरी सबसे प्रिय ऋतु ) Or, The Beauty of Spring ( वसंत का सौंदर्य )

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