The Advantages of Hostel-life ( छात्रावास जीवन के लाभ )

( Hints for The Advantages of Hostel-life : different front home-life, responsible for own things, study hard, fellow-feeling and competition, games and sports, food in time, advantages. )
Essay on The Advantages of Hostel-life ( छात्रावास जीवन के लाभ )
Essay on The Advantages of Hostel-life ( छात्रावास जीवन के लाभ )
Hostel-Life is different from home-life. Hostel-life does not have the homely comforts ( आराम ). We have to depend upon ourselves on the hostel. We are responsible for our own things and we have to study hard. There is an atmosphere of fellow-feeling ( सहानुभूति ) and competition in the hostel. We have facilities for games and sports, too. We get food in time and go to bed in time. One need to have a regulated ( नियंत्रित ) and disciplined life. Life in a hostel in run by rules which are very useful to make us disciplined citizens. These are some of the advantages of hostel-life.
The Advantages of Hostel-life ( छात्रावास जीवन के लाभ )
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