A Rickshaw-Puller ( रिक्शावाला )

( Hints for A Rickshaw-puller : a poor man, hires out a rickshaw, carries people, works in all seasons, no proper clothes, often suffers from diseases, Some passengers unkind to him, his hard life. )
Essay on A Rickshaw-Puller ( रिक्शावाला )
Essay on A Rickshaw-Puller ( रिक्शावाला )
A rickshaw-puller is a poor man. He likes driving a rickshaw. He hires out one from the owner. He drives it to earn his bread. He carries people in his rickshaw. He toils ( एड़ी चोटी का पसीना एक करना ) in summer heat, chilly winter nights and in heavy rain, just to earn bread for himself and his family. He does not have proper clothes to put on and no shelter ( आश्रय ) to live in. Often he spends his nights in parks, no platforms or in his rickshaw. He often suffers from diseases. But he has no money to pay the doctor's fee and buy medicines. Some passengers are unkind to him. They do not want to pay the rickshaw-puller his due. His life is hard and his family is poor.
A Rickshaw-Puller ( रिक्शावाला )
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