The Summer Season ( ग्रीष्मऋतु )

( Hints for the Summer Season : a hot country,  when begins and ends, hot wind, hot sun and wind,  sunstroke, needless clothes, days long, good for students. )
Essay on The Summer Season ( ग्रीष्मऋतु )
Essay on The Summer Season ( ग्रीष्मऋतु )
India is a hot country. The summer season in our country begins in May. It runs till July or August,  Days are very hot in summer. The sun is strong and the hot wind blows. Nights are also not comfortable ( आरामदेह ). We cannot sleep well at night. We have to shut ourselves inside our houses in the daytime also. Many people die because of heatstroke ( लू ). We do not get many fruits and flowers in summer. But summer has some advantages ( लाभ ). We do not need more clothes in summer. Days are long in summer. So, students can finish their tasks in the daytime. I like this season most.
The Summer Season ( ग्रीष्मऋतु )
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