The Advantages of Village life ( ग्राम्य जीवन के लाभ )

( Hints for The Advantages of Village life : in peace, beauty of nature, songs of birds, healthy life, no smoke, fresh air and vegetables, pure milk, share joys and sorrows. )
The Advantages of Village life ( ग्राम्य जीवन के लाभ )
The Advantages of Village life ( ग्राम्य जीवन के लाभ )

Most of the people of India live in villages. Villagers live in peace. They enjoy the beauty of nature. They can listen to sweet songs of birds. They pass a healthy and peaceful life. There is no smoke ( धुआँ ) and noise of mills and factories. Villagers breathe ( साँस लेना ) fresh air. They get pure milk and fresh vegetables. They lead a simple life and their desires are few. They share ( बाँटना ) the joys and sorrows of one another. These are some of the advantages of village life.
The Advantages of Village life 

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