A Picnic ( पिकनिक/वनभोज )

( Hints for A Picnic : day of the picnic,  place, number of persons, arriving at the place, cooking, eating, singing, dancing, return. )
Essay on A Picnic ( पिकनिक/वनभोज )
Essay on A Picnic ( पिकनिक/वनभोज )
Last month we went on a picnic. It was Sunday. We were ten boys and girls. We selected the site. It was about two kilometres away from our houses. We got ready by 8 in the morning. We reached the place named 'Bela'. We had taken breakfast with us. We cleaned the site and had our breakfast. Some boys and girls sang Sweet songs. Then we started cooking our lunch. Everything was ready by 1 pm. We were hungry. We ate to our satisfaction ( संतुष्टि ). Again some of us sang and danced. It was a fine day for us. We all returned home in the evening.

Essay on A Picnic
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