A Football ( फुटबाल )

( Hints for A Football : its cover, its inside, its cover of leather pieces sewn together, air in the bladder, its cover fastened with a lace, its Cost. )
Essay on A Football ( फुटबाल )
Essay on A Football ( फुटबाल )

A football is used for playing the game of football. Its outside is made of leather ( चमड़ा ). Its inside is made of rubber. It is called a bladder. The cover is made of several pieces of leather. They are sewn ( सीया जाना ) together. The bladder has air in it. We fill air into it with a pump. When the bladder is full of air, the cover is fastened ( बाँधा जाना ) with a lace ( फीता ). Now we have better footballs. They are of different sizes. A good football may cost about Rs. 1000/- The game of football is very popular all over the world.
Essay on A Football
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