The Winter Season ( जाड़े की ऋतु )

( Hints for The Winter Season : begins in November, cold wind, days short, nights long, farmers busy, fruits and flowers, games, good health, bad for the poor. )
Essay on The Winter Season ( जाड़े की ऋतु )
Essay on The Winter Season ( जाड़े की ऋतु )
Winter is an important season. It begins in November in our country. It ends in February. The cold wind blows. The days are short and the nights are long. We like to sit in the sun ( धूप ). Farmers are busy in winter. It is the paddy ( धान ) season, We get lots of fruits and flowers in winter. We can have fresh vegetables, too. The winter season is good for health. We can work hard. This season is suitable for playing games. We play cricket, football, hockey, badminton and tennis in winter. But this season is bad for poor people. They suffer ( कष्ट झेलना ) because of cold.
The Winter Season ( जाड़े की ऋतु )
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