A Road Accident ( सड़क दुर्घटना )

( Hints for A Road Accident : time, rush, vehicles,  scooterist, a Car, hit, driver Caught, scooterist injured, taken to hospital. )
Essay on A Road Accident ( सड़क दुर्घटना )
Essay on A Road Accident ( सड़क दुर्घटना )
Only the other day I saw a serious road accident. It was about 10 O'clock. There was a rush ( भीड़ ) of people on the road. Children were going to their schools. Office-goers were on their way to the offices. There were bicycles, rickshaws, scooters, cars, buses and trucks on the road. A scooterist was there. The road was narrow ( संकीर्ण ) and broken. A car came from behind. It hit the scooter. The rider ( सवार ) fell down. The car driver sped away ( तेजी से भागा ). But the road was so broken a little ahead that his car stopped. He was caught. The scooterist was injured. He was taken to hospital.
A Road Accident ( सड़क दुर्घटना )
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