A Fair ( मेला )

( Hints of a fair : occasion, beggars, men, women, children, shops, toys, balloons,  Sweets, noisy, importance. )
Essay on A Fair ( मेला )
Essay on A Fair ( मेला )
A fair is held in my village every year on the occasion of ( के अवसर पर ) Durga Puja. The fair is held near the temple. Thousands of people attend the fair. We find people of all kinds ( प्रकार ) in the fair.
There are beggars. They ask for alms ( भीख ). There are men, women and children all around. Many of them offer prayers. Many young men move about idly ( बिना काम के ). There are temporary shops in the fair. Children buy toys and balloons. Children like to eat chat and sweets. People go to the fair for joy. The fair is a noisy ( कोलाहलपूर्ण ) place. But it is very useful.
a fair
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