A Beggar ( भिखारी )

( Hints for A Beggar : his dirty body, dirty clothes, a bag and a bowl, singing religious Songs, moves from door to door, some without hands and feet, many beggars at railway stations. )
Essay on A Beggar ( भिखारी )
Essay on A Beggar ( भिखारी )
We see a beggar. He is a very poor man. His body is dirty. His dress is dirty. Sometimes he has no shirt. Sometimes his shirt is torn ( फटा हुआ ). He has a bag with him. He has a bowl ( कटोरा ), too. Some beggars have sticks with them. The beggar moves from door to door. He begs alms ( भीख ). He calls the name of God. Sometimes he sings religious ( धार्मिक ) songs. Some beggars are without hands or feet. We see beggars at the temple or the railway station. Many of them move in train Compartments ( डब्बे ). Their life is full of sorrows . Society must do something for them.
Essay on A Beggar ( भिखारी )


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