An Indian Farmer ( भारतीय किसान )

( Hints for an Indian Farmer : a simple villager, knows his job, busy in every season, looks after his cattle, Works hard, simple,  healthy, useful life. )
Essay on An Indian Farmer ( भारतीय किसान )
Essay on An Indian Farmer ( भारतीय किसान )
The Indian farmer is a simple villager. He may not be able to read or write. But he knows his job ( काम ). He knows his land and he knows how to get good crops from it. A farmer's work is different at different times of the year. In the rainy season he is busy ploughing ( जोतना ) his field. Then he plants paddy ( धान ). He ploughs again and sows ( बोना ) wheat for the rubi harvest ( फसल ). A farmer is doing something the whole year. He has to look after his cattle ( मवेशी ). He works hard on the land to feed ( खिलाना ) us. His life is simple, healthy and useful.
Essay on An Indian Farmer ( भारतीय किसान )
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