My Bicycle ( मेरी साइकिल )

( Hints for My Bicycle : a bicycle, wheels, tyres and tubes, seat, handle, bell, speed, cost of a new bicycle. )
Essay on My Bicycle ( मेरी साइकिल )
Essay on My Bicycle ( मेरी साइकिल )
I have a bicycle. It is new. There are two wheels ( चक्के ) in a bicycle. The tyres and tubes are put round the wheels. There is a seat. The rider ( सवार ) sits on it. The seat is made of leather. There is a handle. The rider holds the handle with his hands. There is a bell on the handle. The cyclist rings the bell when there is someone on the way. A bicycle can go fast. But it cannot go very fast. It can go about fifteen kilometres an hour. I can ride a bicycle. A new bicycle costs about Rs. 3500/-
Essay on My Bicycle ( मेरी साइकिल )


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