At the Bus-stand ( बस स्टैंड पर )

( Hints for At the Bus-stand: its name, busy, noisy, dirty, booking counters, a big hall for passengers, hawkers, coolies, rickshaw pullers. )
At the Bus-stand ( बस स्टैंड पर )
At the Bus-stand ( बस स्टैंड पर )
There is a bus-stand at Muzaffarpur. It is near the railway station. I often go to the bus-stand. It is a busy place. It is noisy all the time. Buses Come and go day and night. The bus-stand of our town is dirty. Sometimes we have to sit for hours for a bus. There are about six booking Counters. Some of them are always Crowded. There is a big hall for the passengers. There are a few benches in it. But everything is dirty. The hawkers are there. The coolies are there. There are also some rickshaw pullers. The bus-stand is very big. Now things are improving slowly.
At the Bus-stand ( बस स्टैंड पर )
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