The Postman ( डाकिया )

( Hints for the postman : his dress, government servant, brings letters, money-orders, parcels, goes from door to door,  his work hard, a real friend of the people. )
Essay on The Postman ( डाकिया )
Essay on The Postman ( डाकिया )
We see a postman every day. He is a Government servant. He puts on a khaki shirt and khaki trousers. He carries a bag with him. He takes letters, money-orders and parcels in it. Sometimes he has a packet of letters in his hand. He brings news or money to us. He is a link between our friends and us. The postman moves from door to door to deliver letters. He knows the people of that area. The work of the postman is not very easy. He moves about the whole day. He is a real friend of the people.
Essay on The Postman ( डाकिया )
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