My Favorite Game ( मेरा प्रिय खेल)

( Hints for My Favorite Game: name of the game, number of players, time, advantages of the game, exercise, discipline, joys. )
Essay on My Favorite Game ( मेरा प्रिय खेल)
Essay on My Favorite Game ( मेरा प्रिय खेल)
I play football. It is my favorite game. I am the captain of the school football team. I have been playing it since my childhood. The game is played between two teams. Each team has eleven players. The play runs for 90 minutes. Football is a good game. It gives exercise to the body. A player has to run a lot. He has to keep his mind and body fit. He has to follow the rules of the game. He has to follow the advice of the captain. The game of football is a fine game. I always like to play football and get the joys of playing it.
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