School Games ( विद्यालय के खेल )

( Hints of School Games: a playground, football, cricket, volley-ball, badminton, tennis, chess, ludo, importance of games. )
Essay on School Games ( विद्यालय के खेल )
Essay on School Games ( विद्यालय के खेल )
There is a big playground in front of ( के सामने ) our school. In the evening, we go there and play football. Some boys like cricket. They play cricket. Volley-ball is also a popular ( लोकप्रिय ) game in my school. Some of our teachers also like this game. There is a badminton court in our school. You can see some boys playing badminton. Now the tennis court is getting ready. We may play tennis, too, after some time. Some boys like to play chess and ludo. We play several games at school. Games are very important. They always keep us fit.
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