A Class without a Teacher ( बिना शिक्षक का वर्ग )

( Hints for A class without a teacher: noises,  students talk loudly, move about, sing songs, shout - write on the blackboard, like a fish market. )
Essay on A Class without a Teacher ( बिना शिक्षक का वर्ग )
Essay on A Class without a Teacher ( बिना शिक्षक का वर्ग )
Sometimes our class goes without a teacher. There are about seventy boys in my class. The whole class becomes noisy ( कोलाहलपूर्ण ) in the absence of a teacher. Some students talk loudly. There are others who move about. They feel free. They follow no discipline or rule. A few of them start singing. Some boys go out of the class. They stand on the verandah. One or two boys are at the blackboard. They write something on it. Most of the boys leave their seats. A few of them shout and cry. They laugh and jump. The class without teacher is like a fish market ( मछली बाजार ).


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