A Football Match ( फुटबॉल मैच )

( Hints for A Football Match : name of the two teams, place, time, people, first half of the match, second half, end. )
Essay on A Football Match ( फुटबॉल मैच )
Essay on A Football Match ( फुटबॉल मैच )
There was a fine football match yesterday. It was between my school and the Town High School. The match was played on our school ground. It started at 4 O'clock  in the evening. There was a big rush ( भीड़ ) of people. The first half of the match was interesting ( दिलचस्प ). Our players played very well. They scored two goals. In the second half, the players of the Town High School played a good game. They scored their first goal. Soon they got a penalty kick and scored the second goal, too. After that, the play was very fast and thrilling ( रोमांचक ). But it ended in a draw. We all were happy to see the match.

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