कुछ वाक्यों में Active Verb के बाद दो Objects आते हैं । जैसे - I  gave him a book . यहाँ gave के बाद दो Objects आए हैं – him और book . इनमें से him Personal / Indirect Object है और book Direct Object है । ऐसे दो Objects वाले Verb को Passive में बदलते समय हम किसी भी Object को Subject बना सकते हैं । परंतु Personal Object / Indirect Object को Subject बनाना अच्छा माना जाता है । लेकिन अगर हमें Direct Object पर ही विशेष जोर देना हो , तो Direct Object को ही Subject बनाकर Active Verb को Passive में बदलना चाहिए । अन्य परिवर्तन सामान्य नियम के ही अनुसार होते हैं ।

जैसे -

  • I gave him a book.
  • He was given a book by me.
  •  A book was given (to) him by me.
  • He told me a story.
  • I was told a story (by him.)
  • A story was told me (by him).
  • I offered him a chair.
  • He was offered a chair by me.
  • A chair was offered him by me.
  • The Principal has given me a prize.
  • I have been given a prize by the Principal.
  • A price has been given me by the Principal.

  • सिर्फ Transitive Verbs के ही Passive Voice होते हैं । अतः इन वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ Passive Voice में नहीं है-

  1. He is gone. 
  2. They are arrived. 
  3. He is come. 
  4. Winter is come. 

  • परंतु इन वाक्यों की क्रियाएँ Passive Voice में है -

  1. The chair is broken. 
  2. He is beaten. 

  • इसलिए उन वाक्यों के Verbs को Passive Voice में नहीं बदला जा सकता है , जो Intransitive हैं ।

जैसे -

  1. I read . 
  2. I am going to school. 
  3. They are good boys. 
  4. He has gone to Patna. 
  5. She is laughing.