The Village Market ( गॉव का बाजार )

( Hints for the village market : a market in or near my village, its name, when does it open?, villagers go there to buy and sell things, a noisy place, Some shops, a useful place. )
Essay on The Village Market ( गॉव का बाजार )
Essay on The Village Market ( गॉव का बाजार )
There is a market near my village. It is held three days in a week. The name of the market is Salempur Bazar. It is held on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. People go there in the evening. It is the place where people meet. Some villagers go there to sell something. Others go there to buy something. The village market is a noisy ( कोलाहलपूर्ण ) place. There are a few shops. The tea-stalls are crowded ( भीड़ भरा ). The village market is a very useful place. Generally people return from the market after sunset ( सूर्यास्त ). I like to go to the village market.
the village market
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