A Hospital ( अस्पताल )

( Hints for a hospital : for sick people, doctors, nurses, patients,  wards, operation theatre, importance. )
Essay on A Hospital ( अस्पताल )
Essay on A Hospital ( अस्पताल )
Sick people are treated in a hospital. Herein we find doctors and nurses. They go from one patient to another. They examine them, give them medicines and listen to their problems. A hospital presents the real picture of human sufferings ( यातनाओं ). Some people suffer from one disease ( बीमारी ). Others suffer from other diseases. There are different wards in a hospital. Children are treated in the children's ward. Women are put in the female ward. There is a general ward for general patients. There is a paying ward, too. There is an operation theatre in a hospital. So, the hospital has its own importance for us.
A Hospital ( अस्पताल )
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