At the Railway Station ( रेलवे स्टेशन पर )

( Hints for at the railway station : when a train comes, rush, coolies, hawkers of tea, fruit, betels,  railwaymen busy, queue at the booking counter, noisy, silence after the train goes away. )
Essay on At the Railway Station ( रेलवे स्टेशन पर )
Essay on At the Railway Station ( रेलवे स्टेशन पर )
I always go to the railway station. The railway station of my town is not very big. But most of the trains stop here. When the train comes, there is a great rush ( भीड़ ). There is a crowd of people. There is a mela - like scene ( दृश्य ) on the platform. The hawkers ( फेरीवाले ) are there. Some are selling tea. Some are selling betels ( पान ). Some others are selling fruit. Coolies are also running here and there. There is a long queue ( कतार ) at the booking counters for tickets. The railway-men are busy. After the train goes away there is no noise. The railway station is peaceful.
Essay on At the Railway Station ( रेलवे स्टेशन पर )
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