Indirect Speech: Change of Other Parts of Speech

जब Reporting Verb Past Tense में रहता है , तब Reported Speech में जितने निकटता-सूचक शब्द रहते हैं , वे सब-के-सब Indirect Speech में दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में बदल जाते हैं । ऐसे आवश्यक परिवर्तन के लिए इस Chart को ध्यान में रखें -
that day
the day before/the previous day
the day before yesterday
two days before
the next day/the following day
the day after tomorrow
in two days’ time
next week/year,etc
the following week/year,etc
last week/year,etc
the previous week/year,etc
a year ago
a year before/the previous year

Solved Examples:

He said, “I am busy today.”
He said that he was busy that day.
She said, “I shall do it tomorrow."
She said that she would do it the next day.
He said, “I don't like this boy.”
He said that he did not like that boy
He said , “I am now speaking to this boy.”
He said that he was then speaking to that boy.
They said, “We are starting the day after tomorrow.”
They said that they were starting in two days’ time.
Indirect Speech: Change of Other Parts of Speech
Indirect Speech: Change of Other Parts of Speech
Note: चूंकि घटना past time से संबंधित रहती है , इसलिए निकटता-सूचक शब्दों को दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में बदलना पड़ता है। यदि Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त वस्तु/परिस्थिति वक्ता के साथ अभी भी मौजूद हो , तो उस हालत में निकटता-सूचक शब्दों को दूरी-सूचक शब्दों में नहीं बदला जाएगा ।


  • He said, “This is my table."

अगर टेबल Reporter के सामने बोलने के समय भी मौजूद हो, तो Indirect Speech में this को that में नहीं बदला जाएगा।
अर्थात्, He said that this was his table.
  • This morning Ram said to me,“I shall give you money today.”

This morning Ram told me that he would give me money today.
यहाँ this morning से यह स्पष्ट है कि दिन नहीं बदला है । अतः today का that day नहीं होगा।

ध्यान देने योग्य कुछ आवश्यक बातें

कभी-कभी Reporting Verb के बाद Object नहीं रहता है और Reported Speech में प्रयुक्त Second Person के pronoun / adjective को बदलने की आवश्यकता पड़ती है । वैसी परिस्थिति में आप अपने मन से कोई भी उपयुक्त object को चुन लें और उसे Reporting Verb के बाद दे दें ।
  • He said, “I am waiting for you."

He told me that he was waiting for me.
or, He told her that he was waiting for her.
  • He said, “I do not wish to see any of you.”

He told us that he did not wish to see any of us.
or, He told them that he did not wish to see any of them.
इस प्रकार Object का चयन आपकी इच्छा पर निर्भर करता है । अतः आप जो उपयुक्त समझे उसका चयन करें । अगर किसी Passage को Indirect Speech में बदलना हो , तो पूरे Passage के भाव को समझते हुए उपयुक्त Object का चयन करें ।
यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर संबोधन के रूप में कोई नाम आए तो उस नाम को Reporting Verb का Object बना दें ।
  • He said,“Ram, I want to help you."

He told Ram that he wanted to help him.
  • Sita said,“I love you very much, Mohan,”

Sita told Mohan that she loved him very much.
यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर O, Well, Okay इत्यादि हों , तो Indirect Speech में इनका लोप कर दें ।
जैसे -
  • He said,“Well, Ram you can take it.”

He told Ram that he could take it.
Reported Speech वाक्य के शुरू में भी रह सकता है या Reporting Verb के बाद में या Reporting Verb की दोनों तरफ , परंतु Indirect Speech में वही पद पहले आएगा जो Inverted Commas के बाहर है , जैसा कि आप करते आ रहे हैं।
जैसे -
  • "I have completed my job,” he said.

He said that he had completed his job.
  • "I am always ready to help you,” she said to me, “because you are my neighbour."

She told me that she was always ready to help me because I was her neighbour.