CONJUNCTION ( संयोजक )

शब्दों , वाक्यांशों ( clauses ) या वाक्यों को जोड़नेवाला शब्द Conjunction ( संयोजक ) कहलाता है, Conjunction को Linking Word भी कहा जाता है l

A Conjunction is a word that joins words, clauses or sentences together .

Modern English Grammar में Conjunction को Connective भी कहा जाता है l

इन वाक्यों को देखो-
  1. I have a book an a pen .
  2. Reeta sings and dances .
  3. Amar is tall but thin .
  4. is he speaking loudly or gently ?
  5. He worked hard but he failed .

इन वाक्यों में आए शब्द and but , or Conjunctions हैं ।

वाक्य ( 1 ) में and दो Nouns book और pen को जोड़ता है ।
वाक्य ( 2 ) में and दो Verbs sings तथा dances जोड़ता है
वाक्य ( 3 ) में but दो Adjectives tall तथा thin को जोड़ता है ।
वाक्य ( 4 ) में or दो Adverbs loudly तथा gently को जोड़ता है ।
वाक्य ( 5 ) में but दो sentences He worked hard तथा he failed को जोड़ता है ।
CONJUNCTION ( संयोजक )
CONJUNCTION ( संयोजक )

KINDS OF CONJUNCTIONS ( Conjunctions के भेद )

Conjunctions के तीन भेद होते हैं :
  1. Co-ordinating Conjunctions
  2. Correlative Conjunctions
  3. Subordinating Conjunctions

Co-ordinating Conjunctions

जो शब्द एक ही तरह के शब्दों , शब्द समूहों या वाक्यों को जोड़ता है वह Co-ordinating Conjunctions कहलाता है
Co-ordinating Conjunctions join two grammatical units of the same kind- that is noun and noun, adjective and adjective , adverb and adverb, etc.

इन वाक्यों को देखो-

Give me a pen or a pencil.
Ram and Hari are playing.
Rani is here but Rekha is there.

इन वाक्यों में or , and , but Co-ordinating Conjunctions है । or दो Nouns ( pen + pencil ) को जोड़ता है , and दो Nouns ( Ram + Hari ) को जोड़ता । है but दो वाक्यों ( Rani is here + Rekha is there ) को जोड़ता है ।

Correlative Conjunctions

 जो Co-ordinating Conjunctions जोड़े में एक साथ व्यवहार किए जाते हैं वे Correlative conjunctions कहलाते हैं|

Co-ordinating Conjunctions which go in pair are called Correlative Conjunction.

 इन वाक्यों को देखो-

He can neither read nor write.
He is both short and fat.
Hari can either come or go.

इन वाक्यों में neither . . . . nor , either . . . . or , both . . . . and Correlative Conjunctions हैं:

Subordinating Conjunctions

जो शब्द Main या Principal Clause को Subordinate Clause ( Noun cause/Adverb clause/Adjective Clause ) से जोड़ता है , उसे Subordinating Conjunction कहते हैं

subordinating conjunctions  join subordinate clauses to the main clause.

इन वाक्यों को देखो-

I will do the work if I have time.
He said that he could go.
Because he was ill, he did not come.
Come here when you are free.

इन वाक्यों में if, that, because, when Subordinating Conjunctions हैं ।