The National Flag ( राष्ट्रध्वज )

( Hints for The National Flag: its three colours, saffron, white, green, Ashok Chakra, importance, stands for India's freedom. )
Essay on The National Flag ( राष्ट्रध्वज )
Essay on The National Flag ( राष्ट्रध्वज )
Every nation has its flag. Our national flag has three colours. The saffron ( केसरिया ) colour at the top stands for service and sacrifice ( त्याग ). The white colour in the middle stands for truth, purity ( पवित्रता ) and peace. The green colour at the bottom stands for faith and energy. The Ashok Chakra in the flag shows that virtues ( सद्गुण ) never die. We love and respect our National Flag. It stand for the nation's glory ( गौरव ) and independence ( आजादी ). We all have to protect ( रक्षा करना ) the honour of our tri-colour ( तिरंगा ) flag. It should always flutter in free India.
The National Flag ( राष्ट्रध्वज )
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