The Cat ( बिल्ली )

( Hints: its body, legs, ears, eyes, tail, looks like a tiger, eat meat, fish, drinks milk, dogs love persons, Cats love places can see in the dark, etc. )
Essay on The Cat ( बिल्ली )
Essay on The Cat ( बिल्ली )
I have seen a cat. It is a small animal. It is very clever. It his four feet, two ears, two eyes and a long tail. A cat looks like a tiger. It lives in our house. It eats milk, meat, fish, rice and other Such things. It always likes to kill rats. Cats are very different from dogs. Dogs love persons. But cats love places. A dog will follow its master anywhere. But a cat likes the joys ( आनंद ) of the house. It stays at home. Like tigers and lions, cats can also see in the dark ( अंधेरे ).
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