यदि Inverted Commas के भीतर Interrogative Sentence हो , तो उसे Indirect Speech में बदलने के लिए निम्नलिखित तरीके अपनाएँ -
  • Reporting Verb को ask में बदल दें ।
  • Inverted Commas के बदले that का प्रयोग नहीं करें। अगर Sentence Question Word ( when , what , why , where , who , how which , how many , how much , etc. ) से शुरू हो , तो that की जगह पर प्रयुक्त Question Word ही दें ।
  • यदि Interrogative Sentence किसी Anomalous Finite ( am , is , are , was , were , have , has , do , does , did , can , could , shall , will , etc.) से शुरू हो , तो Inverted Commas के बदले if/whether का प्रयोग करें |
  • प्रयुक्त Interrogative Verb Form को Assertive Verb Form में बदल दें और Indirect Speech के जो सामान्य नियम हैं , उन्हें apply कर पूरे वाक्य को Indirect Speech में बदल दें ।

Note : Interrogative Verb Form को Assertive Verb Form में इस प्रकार बदलें -
Do you eat?
You eat.
Do you not eat?
You do not eat.
Does he know?
He knows.
Does he not know?
He does not know.
Did they go?
They went.
Did he not go?
He did no go.
Are you ready?
You are ready.
Shall we be going?
We shall be going.
Who are you?
Who you are.
What is your name?
What your name is.

Solved Examples -

He says to me, “Are you ill?"
He asks me if I am ill.
He said to me, “Are you ill?”
He asked me if I was ill.
She said to me, “Will you help me?”
She asked me if I would help her.
They said, “were you present there?”
They asked me if I had been present there.
He said to Sita, “Do you love me?”
He asked Sita if she loved him.

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