Person ( पुरुष )

अँगरेजी में Person तीन हैं -
First Person
Second Person
Third Person

Singular Number (एकवचन )
Plural Number (बहुवचन)
First Person
I (मैं)
We (हम , हमलोग, हमस)
Second Person
You (आप, तू, आपको, तुमसे, तुम, तुम्हें, तुझे)

You( तुमलोग, आपलोग, तुमसब, आपसब )
Third Person
He, She, It, This, That, One Name, Etc.
They (वेलोग, वेसब)
Definition: बोलनेवाला First Person , जिससे बोला जाए वह Second Person और जिसके विषय में चर्चा की जाए वह Third Person कहलाता है ।
Person ( पुरुष )
Person ( पुरुष )

The first person is the person speaking; the second person is the person spoken to; and the third person is the person spoken about.
If I speak to you about Ram 'I am' the first person, 'you are' the second person and 'Ram' is the third person.


First Person : I , we और इनके विभिन्न रूप me , my , mine , myself , we , us , our , ours और ourselves First person के Examples हैंl
Second Person: You और इसके अन्य रूप your , yours , yourself और yourselves Second Person के examples हैं ।
Third Person: First Person और Second Person के शब्दों के अतिरिक्त जितने Nouns और Pronouns हैं , वे सभी Third Person के examples हैं , जैसे-
he , him, his , himself , she , her , hers , herself, itself , it , its , they, them, their , theirs , themselves , this , that , these , those , somebody, anybody , each , either , all , more , many , both , Ram , Sita , mother , father , teacher , cow, dog , cat , school , sun , star , river , pen , book , etc .
संक्षेप में याद रखें -
बोलनेवाला -     First Person
जिससे बात की जाए - Second Person
जिसके बारे में बात की जाए - Third Person
इन्हें भी पढ़ें