Meeting an Old Friend ( पुराने मित्र से मुलाकात)

( Hints: his name, age, qualities, how time passed, met after years, nice meeting, etc. )
Essay on Meeting an Old Friend ( पुराने मित्र से मुलाकात)
Essay on Meeting an Old Friend ( पुराने मित्र से मुलाकात)
Yesterday I met an old friend. I was very happy. Ramesh and I were fast ( पक्के ) friends at God Grace School. Now he lives in Varanasi. He came to my house with his father. Ramesh is now fourteen. He is a very good boy. We talked about many things. We played some games together. We forgot ( भूल जाना ) the whole world for some time. Ramesh and his father stayed ( ठहरना ) for two days. I met Ramesh after five years. The meeting was pleasant ( सुखदाई ). Ramesh, too, was happy. We did not like to miss each other. What a nice ( सुंदर ) thing it is to meet an old friend.
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