Voice of Past Indefinite Tense


Structure of making Past Indefinite Tense (Active Voice)
Structure of converting Past Indefinite Tense (Active Voice) to Passive Voice
Sub + Verb (2nd Form)+ Object + Extra Words.
Obj/Sub +Was/Were + Verb (3rd form) + By + Sub/Obj +  Extra Words.
Sub + Did + Not + Verb (1st Form)+ Object + Extra Words.
Obj/Sub +Was/Were + Not + Verb (3rd form) + By + Sub/Obj +  Extra Words.
Did + Sub + Verb (Ist form) + Obj +Extra Words ?
Was/Were + Obj/Sub + Verb (3rd form) + By + Sub/Obj +  Extra Words?
Voice of Past Indefinite Tense
Voice of Past Indefinite Tense 


Active Voice
Passive Voice
I ate a mango.
A mango was eaten by me.
I ate some mangoes.
Some mangoes were eaten by me.
The police arrested him.
He was arrested by the police.
He wrote the letters.
The letters were written by him.
Someone stole my pen.
My pen was stolen.